Sunday, February 17, 2013


I believe the hardest groups to leave are the ones with the most cohesion.  When you feel united with a group of people, regardless of how successful the group was, it is difficult to say goodbye.  Similarly, I think the easiest groups to leave are the ones forced upon us, with the least amount of cohesion.  How many of us have been forced into an academic group in order to complete a school project?  These projects often get done as quickly as possible and then the group adjourns with short "thank yous" and "good jobs". 


  1. Sarah, I must agree with you that it's hard to say goodbye when working in groups over a period of time. I know that when it comes down to the end of this master's program there will be farewells and best wishes to our fellow colleagues exchange of emails so that we are able to keep in touch.

  2. Great point Sarah, the hardest groups to leave are the groups with the greatest cohesion.
